Want to wake up excited for university?

Here's the recap of the 3 mindsets, and 2 tools, in one handy document. Sent straight to your email :)

Thanks for coming!

Here's the list of takeaways you can have, with 10 actions you can take to live healthier, happier and wealthier in university. 

Do you want to get an A at university? 

Silly question, of course you do! But faced with part-time work, or lessons you don't understand, is there a set method to excel? 

Here's a confession. I failed my first university assignment. But I went on to get a first. HOW?! Along the way, I discovered 10 principles to getting a first. These are principles. Not quick hacks. If you don't do the work, you won't get a first. Don't bother downloading it. 

But if you're willing to do the work, here's what to do. 

Here's resources you can get for your first in university. And smile in the process.

I read... and kept reading these books. 

What Color Is Your Parachute, by Richard Bolles

If you are looking to uncover your passion, and what you're great at, this is the book to start with. 

With this book, you can finally discover a systematic way to write essays, study, and be effective in your revision. Cal Newport is not someone you want to miss. 

Are you tired of never reaching your fullest potential?


I'm  John Lim. 

It's tiring to work and work, and never know how well you're going to do. It's frustrating to be burning the midnight oil, and then turn up with a horrible grade. You wonder if you can do better. 

No, you know you can do better. 

If you want to reach your fullest potential, I'm keen to work with you. I only work with 5 every year to make sure that they get the best attention. 

Let's chat if you're keen to own this university journey, grab your A, and live your best life. 

If you want to live out university with passion and purpose...

Here are some articles that might help. 

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