Get your side hustle off the ground with practical steps.
You don't have to lose sleep. Here's how we did it.
If you're starting your business, you might make these mistakes
There's no one way to build a business. But these are the most common.
You keep trying to learn more.
You watch YouTube. Read another article on how to build a business. Listen to yet another podcast.
But you don't realise what the most important thing is, and you find yourself running around like a headless chicken.
You feel like you're getting nowhere.
You feel like you're on the treadmill, and you're working very hard, but your business doesn't seem to be progressing. Why? You're stuck on rinse and repeat and you don't know what else to do, anymore.
You do too much, and find yourself slowly burning out.
You have a full-time job.
Then you have this side hustle which you hope might eventually become your full-time thing.
But you know, deep down, that you're doing too much to make this sustainable.
1. First decide if it's even worth it.
Doing this, is going to be tough. It's not going to be like a job. There are no easy answers. There's no one who's going to tell you what to do. Are you sure you want to do this?
2. Then grow your sales. If you have no sales, you have no business.
If you have nobody buying your service, or your stuff, you don't have a business. You have a hobby. Here's how you can get more sales, reliably.
3. Grow your skills.
If you're going to be your own boss, the biggest asset you need to invest in is yourself. Here's how to be the best entrepreneurial version (and vision) of yourself.
4. Make better profit.
You can make a million, and still be unprofitable. To start growing your profit, expand your profit margins. Or increase the number of transactions per current customer. Here's how.

About the Founder
I studied social work. For 3 years, I learnt how not to make money. I learnt how to provide help for free. And it seemed a complete turnaround to have to suddenly think about money, profits, and how to charge for things.
But I did it.
And that's why you can too.
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