Friendship in a digital age






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Friendship in a digital age


Before loving others in your friendships, you need to love yourself. In this video, you will learn: 1. Why it’s important to love yourself, before you love others 2. How to write a letter of love to yourself, to celebrate the qualities you have

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Do you know what your love language is? Do you know how you would prefer to show your affection for your friend, and more importantly, to receive love from your friends?

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Having great friends is also about protecting yourself from the not so great friends. That means having boundaries, which means – knowing what is okay and not okay for you. In this video, you will learn: 1. What are boundaries in friendships 2. Why boundaries are important 3. Are boundaries being mean? 4. How to talk about your boundaries

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Through this personal sharing of 3 stories of friendship I have experienced, I explain why friendships are important. Glossary: Term of endearment: a phrase used to express love for someone/something that someone likes a lot. In this video, you will learn: 1. How friends remind us about the brighter side of life 2. How friends can support you 3. How friends can help you during your darkest times

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Maybe you think friends are more trouble than they are worth. They seem to require much more effort than you’re willing to give. Why should you take an effort to invest in them? In this video, you will learn: 1. How friends can support you 2. How friends help you see the brighter side of life 3. How friends can help you to grow

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Not all friends are the same. You may wonder what type of friends you have. Using research from Dunbar, a British cultural anthropologist (someone who studies people and cultures), we help you to understand the different types of friends in your current friendship circles. In this video, you will learn: 1. Why you may only have a few close friends 2. The difference between acquaintances, close friends, and BFFs In the accompanying worksheet, there is a space for you to write down the names of your closest friends, and your close friends. This helps you to feel less alone, and to know who to turn to when you need help.

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Who will you turn to if you need help? This is why knowing your friendweb (or who are your close friends, or best friends) is important in helping you to know that you’re not alone on your journey. In this video, you will learn: 1. What a friendweb looks like 2. How to draw your own friendweb 3. Why knowing your friendweb is important

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You know, there aren’t always great friends. There are certain friends you should avoid, to avoid placing yourself in a place where you may be harmed emotionally. In this video, you will learn: 1. What are the 4 types of friends you should avoid 2. Why you should avoid them

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If you look at your own friendships, you will probably see friends that are just great. No matter what happens, they will always stand by you. What makes them different to the friends that are just okay? That are not that special? Well, communications professor Emily Langan shares 3 qualities that make them great. What are they? Glossary What is a slippery slope? A slippery slope is usually used to signify a dangerous situation where a single step in the wrong direction can lead you slipping down, ending up in a place where you hurt yourself. In this video, you will find out 1. What do great friends do? 2. How to improve your own friendships so that they can become greater friends

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Imagine that it was raining, windy, and cold outside. Great friends can be like that secure base, where no matter what happens, they are like a house you can return to to hide from the cold and the rain. In this video, you will learn: 1. How friends can become a secure base for you 2. What a secure base looks like

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Have you ever experienced a very difficult time in your life? Where everything seems to be falling apart, where you don’t know what to do, and you’re lost? Well, friends can help you through those times. In this video, you will learn: 1. How friends can be a safe harbour 2. How you can ask for help from your friend during this difficult time

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What are certain laws of friendships that will help you better understand why certain friends don’t work, whilst others do? In this video, you will learn: 1. Why friendship is like a seesaw 2. The different communication styles of men and women 3. How that affects the way you may approach friendships with men and women

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Knowing the phases of friendship helps you to know what phase your friendship is in, what to take note, and how to develop it further. As you look at your own friendship, can you determine if it is in the beginning, plateau, or dropout stage? In this video, you will learn: 1. The 3 stages of friendships 2. The features of each stage of friendship 3. What you need to take note of at each stage of the friendship

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Friendships are like seesaws. Seesaws? Why? Seesaws are never really balanced. One side is in the air whilst the other side is down. Similarly, in friendships, one side is often putting in more effort than the other. That’s why we need to take time to initiate meetings, message our friend, rather than waiting for them to come to us. In this video, you will learn: 1. Why taking the first step is important 2. Why you may be waiting for your friend to make the first step (and why that may not happen) 3. How you, if you are a guy, can take the first step

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Are you interested in your friend? Silly question, of course you are! But sometimes, when we are attracted constantly by our buzzing phones, it may seem like we are more interested in our phones than we are in our friends. In this video, you will learn: 1. 1. How to combat your desire to check your phone, all the time 2. 2. What kind of questions to ask to show your interest in the other person

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Are you happy for your friend when he/she succeeds? I will admit. I am not. I am often jealous of them, and don’t tend to share any opportunities I have with them. I am afraid they will succeed. But one day, my friend gave me the biggest opportunity of my life, helping me to get my first paid job. After that, I realised that the best friends support each other by shining light on them, sharing the best opportunities with them. In this video, you will learn: 1. What the shine theory is 2. How to help your friend by shining light on them

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In a time like COVID, where you may not have your traditional orientation activities, how do you make friends in class? How do you make friends that last? In this video, you will learn: 1. Some strategies for making friends in class 2. Why you may have some misconceptions towards making friends, even during COVID

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I used to think that Instagram friends, were not real friends. After all, I didn’t really know them. All I did was to click the follow button! You may feel the same way. But not according to Grace Ann, one of the cofounders of She shares how Facebook friends can also be real friends. In this video, you will learn: 1. The myth that we have towards Facebook friends 2. How you can deepen friendships on Facebook

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It will be a lie to say that all friendships last forever. There will be times when there are fights in your friendship, and you find yourself no longer liking your friend as much. Or your friend may not like you anymore. During such times, what can you do? In this video, you will learn: 1. Why there are problems in friendships 2. What to do if your friendship has a problem 1.

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It takes two hands to clap. To repair any friendship also requires the other party to help. What can you do with your friend, together, if cracks appear in your friendship? In this video, you will learn: 1. What are the two myths people have about friendships 2. What to do together with your friend

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One thing people always ask me is: how do I tell if my friend likes me? How do I know I’m in the friendzone? If you don’t know what the friendzone is, it’s where people have that confusing relationship, where one party may want to enter into a romantic relationship, whilst the other wants to remain as friends. In this video, you will learn: 1. The theory of friendship ladders and relationship staircases to understand how men and women see friendships differently 2. What to do if you are in the friendzone

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People have a mistaken belief that they need a BFF (Best Friend Forever). But according to Grace, the cofounder of, the BFF may not be someone that ideal. Why? In this video, you will learn: 1. Why people may not always need a BFF 2. The danger of just relying on a single person as your BFF

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About The Teachers

John Lim


Focusing on mental strategies to success, John has taught in the likes of Peru, China, Singapore, U.K. and Malaysia to thousands of people. He's excited about helping people to overcome the mental hurdles to their own success. 

When he's not teaching others, he's always found with another (light) dumbbell. Or a book. 

Nicholas Ng


As Mr World Singapore 2020, Nicholas has trained more than 300 clients to reach their fitness goals. Growing up as a scrawny kid, Nicholas trained hard. Along the way, he trained under the world's top fitness coaches, including Singapore's strongest bench presser. 

In his free time, you will find Nicholas with his head in another research paper. He's excited about demystifying fitness, and making fitness accessible to the everyday man. 

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