Too much work, not enough time?

You don't have to quit

Overloaded with work, with no practical advice on how to manage? 

Had multiple conversations with your supervisor about how to manage... but your conversations 'died' there?

There's another way.

"At least I get to help people."

You started with noble intentions.

You wanted to help people. Give people hope of a better future. You had a big heart. 

"But you feel this sense of helplessness, because you cannot do anything about it…"

What do you do when a client tells you over the weekend that her husband hit her? Or when another client tells you they are feeling suicidal?

Instead of feeling helpful... You feel helpless

“Of course, it is your responsibility to set boundaries with clients ..."

But sometimes, it is quite hard to set aside work. 

We're dealing with people's lives here. 

The worst thing? 

You feel invisible

"The social workers, I do not think anyone actually paid attention to them..."

Professor Seng, Singapore University of Social Sciences

Here's how we found out what worked.

I nearly got sacked in my first social work job. Issued with a Performance Improvement Plan (a get better or get sacked plan), I decided to run an experiment to find out how to work better. 

After all, there seemed little to lose. We wondered if what we were always taught was the gospel truth. If there were better ways to do things. 

And found there were!

There's hope. What they taught you in university wasn't meant for real-life. What they tell you to do at work - doesn't always work. 

There's a better way.

Why you're struggling at social work

These are the 3 S' behind your struggle. 


You get a call. Then another email. Then a client messaging you. You're never able to carve out time to sit down and settle the assessments and admin work required to move cases forward. 


Your supervisor doesn't seem to know how to help.

'I've had multiple conversations with my supervisor and now I'm trying to have a conversation with his supervisor, but these issues reflect weaknesses that he is unable/unwilling to see.'

Sound familiar?

'Social' Work

You're expected to be happy and cheery and optimistic, even though you feel less than social. This means less time to pay attention to how you truly feel, and how you can help yourself. 

I ran an experiment (and nearly got sacked)

We found out some myths in social work.

You must always be available for your clients

"You have to answer every call, message from a client." How was I going to do that for more than 30? That's why I changed the way I contracted with clients. It worked much better.

You always have to check your email

Bosses say you always have to be ontop of your email, to deal with the sudden changes. Well, I only checked it three times a day, and found greater effectiveness that way. 

Your boss knows what he's doing

Your boss is in new territory here. The pandemic isn't something he/she is familiar with. You need to manage your boss, to help him better manage you. 

You need to work beyond hours if needed

I experienced two different types of social work in Singapore and the UK. In the UK, you almost never visited people out of hours. In Singapore, it was more the norm. And I realised scheduling work after hours wasn't healthy for both parties.

There's a better way. 

There are 6 essential elements of what can help. 

The Shallow Work Problem 

The reason you don't get the paperwork done, is because you're constantly pulled in all directions. Understand how to better manage your workflows and workstreams so that you have a greater sense of control over your time. 

The Deep Work Protocol

Think of yourself doing housework. You don't turn on the washing machine after every single time you change your shirt... do you? 

You batch them up. Do the same for social work. 

Batch your tasks. Protect your time. Be mindful of how you approach the work. 

Supervise your Supervisor 

Here's something you may not know. You need to manage your supervisor, before you get more overworked. Unfortunately, your supervisor may not know how to manage you. Here's a list of questions that will help. 

The Hyperproductivity Sprint 

There are days when you're going to have to do a house visit. Then an assessment. You're not going to have time to do everything. 

Learn how to 2x your productivity, with these simple steps. 

The House Party Principle 

You're working from home. Blurred boundaries between work and home. Messages coming to you at 9pm. How do you handle that?

Through the House Party Principle. Properly delineate your work and your home with the House Party Principle. 

The Hope-full Helper

Learn how to transform yourself into the Hope-Full Helper, someone who is able to be fully vulnerable, yet fully in control of his work. 

It doesn't have to be crazy at social work. 

About The Teacher.

John was awarded a fully funded scholarship to read social work, and was nominated for the British Association of Social Worker's Student Social Worker of the Year. Working as a social worker in Singapore for two years, he was nominated for the Patient Action Awards. He is passionate about young people flourishing at work and now teaches people to bring their fullest potential to work. 

Before you buy...

Please know this. 

This is FOR you. 

  • You are willing to put in effort to implement the ideas listed. 
  • You are willing to engage with the content, rather than skimping through. 
  • You are willing to examine your assumptions and challenge yourself. 
  • You want to do better for your clients. 

This is NOT for you...

  • You are an info tourist, wanting more information. 
  • You want a quick fix to your problems. 
  • You hope that someone will change things for you. 
  • You want your organisation to change its working style. 


Don't buy this expecting a quick fix. We don't have a quick fix. 

You need to put in the effort to make social work better for yourself. 

You can help, without feeling helpless. 

Learn the principles towards overcoming overwork and overwhelm. 

Here is what people have said of our teaching.

John’s experience and journey inspire the reader to remain courageous in front of seatbacks, challenge the system when necessary, and make visible the value of social work in society.

maria Turda

phd candidate

John takes us through his experiences as a fledging social worker and offers practical tips that you can easily work into your routine

Nurul Qistina

Social worker for youth, shine youth and children services

(John) has an easy delivery style that can convey complex information in ways which enhance understanding and learning

John Devaney

Professor of social work, university of edinburgh

Get the course today. 

It doesn't have to be crazy at social work. 
