Feel hopeful, driven and happy again.

Sometimes, depression can feel like a big black dog that never goes away.

Here's how to make the big black dog of depression your friend and not your enemy.

We often face this in our journey through depression

People don't really understand you 

As much as you try to explain yourself, you hear people say, "I understand what you feel." No, they don't. They think they do, but they really don't. How can they, when they haven't even gone through your experiences before?

The help offered doesn't seem to work

People can tell you to see a psychiatrist, take antidepressants, and find a therapist. But deep down, you don't see many changes. But you want your recovery to be much faster. How?

you don't find the answers you need

Dealing with depression can mean dealing with a variety of feelings and emotions - many of which have no easy answers. But whatever is on the Internet will be unique to the people who share them, and may not necessarily work for you.

There is a better approach

Very often we forget that the simplest answers can be the best answers.

We help you think differently about your emotions

There is one frequent myth towards dealing with one's emotions. Some people think that with painful emotions, all that's needed is positive thinking to help one to better get over those emotions.

But not really.

We need to have a willingness to sit with them, or to do emotional first-aid with them.

Not more self-help techniques, but we share the personal narratives of others who have been through similar journeys

Biographies work because they share the thoughts, feelings and actions of the specific person and do not try to stuff techniques down your throats. Self-help techniques don't always work because they are unique to each person's unique circumstances. But when you hear the personal stories of people, you hear their frames of mind and how they made it work. 

We help you to make better decisions that don't push you to distress

One of the biggest drivers for emotional distress are decisions. These big decisions such as where you will work, who you will marry, and what to study, can often leave you feeling tired and anxious. And when we fail to think properly about these emotions, we may often end up feeling worse.

About Take Heart.

Take Heart is the story of young adults who suffered through mental distress, but were able to come through the other side, stronger and more resilient. 

It's the story of how you too, can come through pain and depression to grow.

They say

This book is raw, and real. A Singaporean child will read and be able to understand the yearnings and pains of the system. 

Dr Geraldine Tan - Director, The Therapy Room

John has written a helpful book to encourage us to reflect on our goals in life, to be prepared to make courageous choices, and to finish well

Alan Tower - National Director, Friends' International UK

A must-read for parents, educators, social workers, and anyone interested in the mental well-being of young people.

Dr Daniel Fung - CEO, Institute of Mental Health (Singapore)

About the author


I'm John Lim.

In 2015, I suffered my first brush with depression and started being suicidal. I would take a chair to the highest floor of my apartment and think about whether I should flip myself over. Fortunately I didn't.

Fortunately, I grew from that experience to eventually win an overseas scholarship - because I was willing to speak to a therapist, and also apply emotional first aid strategies.

But it happened again in 2019, when I came back to Singapore and found myself lost and empty. Now I was even more anxious and stuffed myself with food, growing 8kg in a single month.

I took antidepressants and became better.

If you're suffering depression today, this book is for you.

Stop struggling alone. Find friends and help through the pages of this book.

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